Getting discouraged with the outrageous fees to accept credit cards? Did you know that the Durbin Amendment allows you to pass those fees to the customer? Cash Discounting occurs when an establishment offers a discount to customers who pay by cash instead of credit cards. There’s a small convenience fee that is added to the transaction to the customers who pay the advertised price through credit cards. With this program, the convenience fee collected from the customer covers ALL the business' monthly processing costs and this will lead to businesses to have zero processing fees. With our program, you can save so much. With your savings, you can focus more on improving your business: invest in infrastructure, hire more people, buy better equipment, and a lot more.
The Cash Discount Program is not a one-size-fits-all service. There are factors you have to consider in deciding if this service could benefit your business. Cash discount works for you if you prefer more cash payments over credit, if your customers are used to cash discounts already, if your business relies on holiday visitors since they don't mind the extra charge and if your services are compulsory to your customers. There are other more factors you could look into but the ones earlier are a good start.
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Buffalo, NY
888 751 2999
2020 MUT